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Intergroup Contacts

The following descriptions are a guide only as to who to contact. If in doubt, please email the secretary who will forward your email to the appropriate position holder. Please be patient as members giving service may not be able to respond immediately. We thank you for your understanding.


Chairperson: for matters relating to agenda items and pre-reading document, IG meetings format, assistance with preparing a motion, the executive committee. 


Vice-Chair: support for IG reps and ad hoc committees, Policy & Procedures and Bylaws enquiries.


Secretary: general member enquiries, updating IG member contact details, updating group details (new secretaries, etc), how to start a meeting and more.


Treasurer: for information relating to bank deposits, reimbursements, IG financial transactions, the budget – including Budget/Finance committee matters.


Region Ten Representative: for information about Region Ten, latest news, service committees to join.


World Service Business Conference Delegate: for information about the WSO business conference and WSO news, resources available from the WSO.


Website Committee Coordinator: to update meeting information on the website, join the website committee, report technical issues with the site* and all other website matters.

* Please understand that Intergroup and the website committee are not available to assist members with personal technical issues however, if there is an issue with the website or other services provided by IG we would like to know so that we can address matters at our end.


Literature Committee Coordinator: all literature enquiries, sales/purchases.


PIPO (Public Information/Professional Outreach) Committee Coordinator: to join the PIPO committee, enquiries about public information and professional outreach opportunities.


Events Committee Coordinator: to join the events committee, enquiries about planned events.


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