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About Intergroup

Overeaters Anonymous Melbourne Intergroup Inc., established in February 1987, is an OA registered service body created to serve affiliated OA groups within Victoria and Tasmania.

Intergroup (IG) is where members from affiliated groups meet to share OA news, serve together on committees and do the footwork of serving the groups and members carrying the message to those who still suffer.

Monthly IG meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month (except January) from 8am-10am via Zoom.

All OA members are welcome to attend as observers and are encouraged to participate on IG committees.

If you would like to attend the next IG meeting, please email to request the login details. 

Discover more about the various IG service committees

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History of Intergroup


OA began in Melbourne in 1974 when Sandy and Jenny T met for the first meeting in Fitzroy – it only takes two compulsive eaters coming together and recovery begins. Notices in Melbourne newspapers, member stories in magazines and radio interviews attracted new members.

As the membership grew and new meetings opened, a ‘Central Committee’ of members maintained a list of meetings with member contact numbers and distributed these along with member stories of inspiration in a regular newsletter.

The fellowship continued to flourish, and the groups soon came together to form a registered service body - Intergroup (IG) - which took over from the Central Committee on 3 August 1976.

Intergroup became an incorporated association on 23 February 1987. Through these many years, service has continued as recovering compulsive eaters give generously of their time and effort to help in many ways to carry the message to those who still suffer. We have discovered that active participation is the key for success in OA.

Let’s Serve 

Are you an OA member interested in using the recovery tool of service? Get in touch, we'd love you to join us.

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